16 January 2012

Our Homeschool Classroom...so far!

Here are the pictures of our homeschool room so far.  I am still going to add a few bulletin boards and white board and our centers will change throughout the year.  We also have an art center and unit studies/science/social studies center in our family room that I will post pictures of later.
This is our Art/Writing bulletin board and our writing workshop center.  I am eventually going to add our "I can" posters to the front of my cabinet

Allie's Desk and our meeting area.  I am adding a white board and learning board above the chart paper. 

These are our math and geography tubs.  The top row is math trays and those will change daily.  On top of the shelves is a Vocabulary work box and a dictionary.  I will be adding a pocket chart for Vocabulary and the bulletin board will be our math board.

Our Reading center.  Allie's goal is 50 books!  Everyday she will fill out the reading response page on the clipboard hanging by the bookshelf.  It will change daily with different reading response activities. 

Our Writers workshop center.  She will sit on the fitness ball to aid in movement while she works.  There are spelling activities, letter writing, stamp stories, sticker stories, sentence building, journal prompts, poetry, paragraph trains and recipe cards for writing recipes.  This center will change weekly with new writing activities.  So far this is her favorite one!!  Usually she hates to write!!


One of our math trays

Our Learning shelves, Games, curriculum book boxes, finished tray, finished early boxes and activities.

Our Lego table.  This will change with theme based activities. 

I am super excited to finally have this set up and ready to teach!!  It is going to be a great week. 

1 comment:

  1. I never visit such lovable blog and the picture you use in this post reminds me my childhood...
    Keep it on.......

    improve vocabulary fast
    TOEIC vocabulary flashcards
