18 October 2016

Shiny New Blog from The 3am Teacher!

     I'm BAAAACK, and thanks to my friend Michelle from The 3 am Teacher http://the3amteacher.blogspot.com I am back in style!  I am so excited about my new blog design but mostly because she added a new tool bar with more categories.  I wanted this blog to be more than a teacher blog.  I am looking forward to the opportunity to share parenting tips, recipes, funny momisms, travel tips, teaching tools, and resources.  In addition to my new blog design I have also begun posting youtube videos on teaching tips and my Teachers Pay Teachers store is up and will have new products on it soon.

     Since I have been MIA for so long, I just wanted to give you a quick update on me.  First off, Discovery Kidzone Montessori has grown significantly.  We now have three schools!  I am back in school full time with the hope to someday have my masters degree.  My oldest daughter Abbie is now a highschooler, my middle daughter Allie is in junior high, and we are no longer homeschooling her.  My oldest son Zack is in 5th grade, and my baby Trent is in 2nd grade!  Time flies, and now I am in a whole new era of parenting.  Sometimes I laugh, and sometimes I cry, but I learn from it all and want to share it with you.  As my school has grown, I have stepped out of the role of the teacher which is sad, but I have a new role as Professional Development specialist.  I now have older and slightly bigger students.  I still pop in the classrooms whenever I want and teach the littles as that is my first love.
     My next blog post after this one will be on self-help skills.  I would appreciate your comments, suggestions, and shares.  I am feeling extremely rusty in the blogging world and may need a little dusting off.
I have missed blogging so very much and can't wait to hear from all of you!
Happy Fall Y'all!


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