25 March 2012

Weekly Kid's Co-op Link Up 3.23.2012

Weekly Kid’s Co-op

It is the end of the week again and that means another weekly Kid’s

co op!  I am getting to the point where I look forward to this every week.  I can’t wait to see all of the fun creative ideas all of you come up with.  Here are a few of my favorites from last week.

Building with Ice Cubes

25 Easter Crafts

Fine Motor for Fine Arts

O’Keefe Art Lesson

Lasso the Moon


  1. What a wonderful blog Rachel! I am your newest follower :) I added your button to my blog roll

  2. Thank you Miss L! What is your blog address?

  3. I don't see the comment I just wrote, so hopefully it will magically appear. : ) Thanks for stopping by my blog! I was wondering if you would be willing to add me to your Books Worth Reading collaborative board on Pinterest?
