
Fun and Easy Easter Crafts

Easter totally snuck up on me this year!  It was a blessing and a curse.  Normally I would be planning and prepping for weeks but since Spring break was last week I forced myself not to work!  If I would have prepped and planned as usual I would have done the usual crafts.  This year I just wanted to be creative and I tried to think of crafts that the kids would really enjoy doing! 
These are blow paint eggs; all you need is construction paper, paint, droppers or spoons and straws. 
First, you put three or four different colored paints into different containers.  I found these cute egg shaped ones at Ross and we also use them for works.  Use a dropper or spoon in each container.  Instruct the kids to put dabs of paint all over the egg.  When they are finished dabbing the egg they can blow with the straw all over the egg.  The paint will make small bursts of color and the kids love it!  Super easy, frugal and fun! 

We made bunny milk jug Baskets last year.  The key to making these was prep work!  I made sure I had them cut out and the felt ears hot glued on ahead of time.  The kids just put glue and cotton balls on the plastic part.  To prep the bunnies you just cut off the spout and cut out ears on the front.  Leave the handle on the back. 

Today I was in a collage mood, we made two of them.  The first collage was a cross collage.  I ordered the world paper pack from Discount School Supply.  The kids just tore pieces of the paper and tissue paper to make a collage.

The second collage we made today was a sticky collage.  I first saw this idea on Teach Preschool and then I saw it on no time for flash cards.  We put contact paper on the table with the sticky side up.  The kids used confetti, shredded paper, paper shapes, feathers and glitter to stick on the table.  They LOVED this activity and made a HUGE mess!!  The messier the more fun right?!  After they were done we folded the paper in half and cut out an oval shape to make an egg.  Super fun, zero prep work and displays great in the window!! 

Next I will post our Easter work trays and activities. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I know how kids enjoy making a collage since my daughter has that habit of making funny artwork using shredded paper. There are times when she requests me to shred some pages from the magazine and she’ll have fun with it by making a collage. Well, I better let her see this post so that she can see what other crafts she can make.

    Ruby Badcoe
